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Developmental Editing

So you’ve finished a draft. Good for you! Now what? This is where Elissa comes in. Give her your manuscript and you’ll get back a masterpiece. And by masterpiece, she means a manuscript so full of comments and crossed out passages and suggested changes that you’ll want to cry. (This is a good thing. Honest.)

What is Developmental Editing?

Developmental Editing is a thorough, in-depth look at your project. Elissa takes two passes through the pages–the first time commenting on the manuscript itself as a reader, the second time commenting as an editor.

Elissa also includes a detailed editorial letter, pointing out the manuscripts strengths and weaknesses as well as offering suggestions to make the work stronger. Plot arcs, character development, themes, voice, and reader expectations are some of the issues addressed.

Line editing isn’t included in the basic developmental editing package, though Elissa will point out the most flagrant issues because she can’t help herself. For an additional fee, you can add this option.

Is Developmental Editing for you?

Due to the extensive nature of the developmental editing process for novels (and the cost commitment for clients), Elissa only takes on clients with a completed manuscript that she knows are ready for this step.

Therefore, as a courtesy, she offers a free 5-page trial edit for new clients who have completed projects longer than 20 pages. This gives her–and you–a chance to know if her style of developmental editing and your manuscript will be a good fit.

NOTE: If you have an unfinished manuscript you need edited, or would like a less-expensive editing option, check out Elissa’s Editorial Assessment under the Consultations page. (It’s like a Developmental Editing Lite version. You’ll like it.)

Developmental Editing Packages and Pricing

Contact Elissa if you are interested in any of the following services.

5-Page Trial Edit (for new clients with completed projects longer than 20 pages*)complimentary
Developmental Editing (fewer than 20 pages*)$80
Developmental Editing (20 pages* or more)
$4 per page
Developmental Editing + Line Editing (fewer than 20 pages*)
Developmental Editing + Line Editing (20 pages* or more)
$6 per page
*double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins. Pages that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to be reformatted.